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Differential Expression of Anthocyanin Biosynthetic Genes in Relation to Anthocyanin Accumulation in the Pericarp of Litchi Chinensis Sonn




Litchi has diverse fruit color phenotypes, yet no research reflects the biochemical background of this diversity. In this study, we evaluated 12 litchi cultivars for chromatic parameters and pigments, and investigated the effects of abscisic acid, forchlorofenron (CPPU), bagging and debagging treatments on fruit coloration in cv. Feizixiao, an unevenly red cultivar. Six genes encoding chalcone synthase (CHS), chalcone isomerase (CHI), flavanone 3-hydroxylase (F3H), dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR), anthocyanidin synthase (ANS) and UDP-glucose: flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase (UFGT) were isolated from the pericarp of the fully red litchi cv. Nuomici, and their expression was analyzed in different cultivars and under the above mentioned treatments. Pericarp anthocyanin concentration varied from none to 734 mg m−2 among the 12 litchi cultivars, which were divided into three coloration types, i.e. non-red (‘Kuixingqingpitian’, ‘Xingqiumili’, ‘Yamulong’and ‘Yongxing No. 2′), unevenly red (‘Feizixiao’ and ‘Sanyuehong’) and fully red (‘Meiguili’, ‘Baila’, Baitangying’ ’Guiwei’, ‘Nuomici’ and ‘Guinuo’). The fully red type cultivars had different levels of anthocyanin but with the same composition. The expression of the six genes, especially LcF3H, LcDFR, LcANS and LcUFGT, in the pericarp of non-red cultivars was much weaker as compared to those red cultivars. Their expression, LcDFR and LcUFGT in particular, was positively correlated with anthocyanin concentrations in the pericarp. These results suggest the late genes in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway were coordinately expressed during red coloration of litchi fruits. Low expression of these genes resulted in absence or extremely low anthocyanin accumulation in non-red cultivars. Zero-red pericarp from either immature or CPPU treated fruits appeared to be lacking in anthocyanins due to the absence of UFGT expression. Among these six genes, only the expression of UFGT was found significantly correlated with the pericarp anthocyanin concentration (r = 0.84). These results suggest that UFGT played a predominant role in the anthocyanin accumulation in litchi as well as pericarp coloration of a given cultivar.
机译:荔枝具有多种水果颜色表型,但尚无研究反映这种多样性的生化背景。在这项研究中,我们评估了12个荔枝品种的色度参数和色素,并研究了脱落酸,氯芬酮(CPPU),套袋和装袋处理对简历中水果着色的影响。肥子笑,一个不均匀的红色品种。六个编码查尔酮合酶(CHS),查尔酮异构酶(CHI),黄烷酮3-羟化酶(F3H),二氢黄酮醇4-还原酶(DFR),花色素苷合酶(ANS)和UDP-葡萄糖的基因:类黄酮3-O-葡萄糖基转移酶(UFGT)从全红荔枝简历的果皮中分离出来。 Nuomici及其在不同品种和上述处理下的表达进行了分析。在12个荔枝品种中,果皮花色苷的浓度从无变化到734 mg m-2,分为非红色(“红杏青皮天”,“杏秋里里”,“亚木龙”和“永兴2号”)三种着色类型。 ,不均匀的红色(“肥子笑”和“三岳红”)和完全红色的颜色(“美桂里”,“拜拉”,“白汤糖”,“桂微”,“诺米奇”和“桂诺”)。全红型品种的花色苷水平不同,但组成相同。与红色品种相比,非红色品种果皮中的六个基因,尤其是LcF3H,LcDFR,LcANS和LcUFGT的表达要弱得多。它们的表达,特别是LcDFR和LcUFGT,与果皮中的花青素浓度呈正相关。这些结果表明在荔枝果实红色着色过程中,花色苷生物合成途径中的晚期基因得到了协调表达。这些基因的低表达导致非红色品种中缺乏或极低的花青素积累。由于没有UFGT表达,未成熟或CPPU处理的果实的零红色果皮似乎缺乏花色苷。在这六个基因中,只有UFGT的表达与果皮花青素浓度显着相关(r = 0.84)。这些结果表明UFGT在给定品种的荔枝花色苷积累以及果皮着色中起主要作用。



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